Wednesday, February 24, 2016

VAMPSYLVANIA game demos with creator C. Michael Hall at Portland's Guardian Games!

What's more exciting than the fact that the Vampsylvania Kickstarter campaign is 230% funded and still gaining ground? Why, the opportunity to actually play Vampsylvania months before its release, that's what! Not exciting enough for you? Well, how about we do this in one of the Northwest's greatest gaming stores?
This Saturday, February 27, from 1:00 to 4:00pm, Vampsylvania creator C. Michael Hall will be running live demos at Portland's gaming mega-store, Guardian Games! If you've never been there, Guardian Games is a wonder to behold. They've got a vast (and we do mean vast) selection of games, an incredible amount of table space for playing, and a jam-packed calendar of gaming events. We're thrilled to give Guardian customers a chance to check out Vampsylvania firsthand, and if you live in the Portland, OR area, we hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Still going strong...and looking for reviewers!

Our Kickstarter campaign is still rolling ahead full steam! We're currently at over 210% of our initial funding goal. We've already hit one stretch goal, and we've got our sights set on hitting another. Have you pledged your support yet? No? Well, click your way over the the campaign and get to it! Your support during the campaign enriches the game by enabling us to offer more stuff. Besides, you don't want to miss all your chances to land exclusive cards that will never be offered at the retail level!

Now, on to other business. Are you a game reviewer with an audience eager for reviews of forthcoming games? If so, would you like to review Vampsylvania well before its release? Of course, you would! We can make that happen. Contact us for details!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

SUCCESS! Vampsylvania is fully funded on Kickstarter!

What an incredible few days it has been! Our Kickstarter campaign has been very successful so far: we hit our funding goal on the first day, and we're currently at 173% of our funding goal! 

Of course, we'd love to keep the ball rolling. We've already added an add-on expansion to the available rewards--it's called "Strange Visitors" and draws heavily on international influences for inspiration--and we'd love to be able to offer even more. So follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and share the link to our Kickstarter campaign! And if you're affiliated with a podcast that might be interested in talking about Vampsylvania, please, contact us...we'd love to!

Monday, February 8, 2016

The VAMPSYLVANIA Kickstarter campaign is LIVE!

The campaign has officially gone live on Kickstarter! Be sure to pledge your support early to get in on the best rewards, including the chance to get a playable card of yourself! Share the link far and wide! Together we can seize the the neck!

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Vampsylvania Kickstarter campaign goes live in 3, 2, 1...

It's almost time! The Kickstarter campaign goes live on Monday, Feb. 8, 2016! Be sure to follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook!